All in bible review

Cowhide vs. Horween and Why Cowhide is Better

I’m dropping a hot take today that needs to be said. Horween leather is awesome. It was something new in the Bible world and it caught fire and people went crazy with it. I have a couple of Horween Bibles from Crossway and I really like them. I even said the Omega seemed like it was made for Horween leather. However, I’m just going to say it. Cowhide (whether you call it Badalassi or pull up) is better than Horween.

The LSB Large Print Wide Margin Hardcover Bible

There’s something to be said for a good hardcover. They are workhorses. They’re durable and can stand up to being put in a backpack or messenger bag. They’re cost effective. In the case of the LSB Large Print Wide Margin from Steadfast Bibles, it is really, really nice! Let’s talk about what makes this hardcover such a great Bible!

ICA Rebind of an NLT Select

ICA (In Christ Alone) Rebinding is doing incredible work. I have a couple of his rebinds and each one I see just keeps getting better and better. I’m truly blown away. On the rebind I’m reviewing today, I pretty much told him the colors I liked and mentioned I’d like shark to be one of the materials involved and I let him do the rest. I didn’t see any pictures before I unboxed it, but when I pulled the Bible out of the box I was blown away!

A Bible Rebind from Logos Rebinding

Logos Rebinding is still fairly new to the rebinding game, but he has been quickly making a name for himself. I reached out to Logos about getting my favorite block rebound—the ESV Preaching Bible Verse-by-Verse—and we talked through the details and before I knew it, I was opening a gorgeous and freshly rebound Bible. I’ve used this Bible pretty extensively and put it through its paces and I’m excited to share it with you today.