All in book reviews

5 Puritan Women

It’s no secret I’m a big fan of the Puritans. We all know about many of the Puritan men and their writings, but what about the women? When I saw this book title come across my screen I knew I had to check it out. If I’m honest, I hadn’t even considered Puritan women before so I’m really glad that Jenny-Lyn de Klerk put this book together!

Gifts of Grace by Jared C. Wilson

Could it be!? One of my favorite authors has released an Advent book! Jared C. Wilson writes in a way that resonates with me. I love the season of Advent. It literally changed my life and made my Christmases so much more focused and intentional. To get to celebrate Advent with Jared C. is more than I could have asked for!

Into His Presence by Tim Chester

I love prayer books. I think it is because I always need more help with prayer. Several books of Puritan prayers have been released and every time I see a new one I want to check it out. The latest offering is called Into His Presence and it has been edited and arranged by Tim Chester and published by The Good Book Company. As soon as I saw it I knew it was a must have.

Embracing Advent by Jen Ludwig

Discovering the celebration of Advent changed my life. That’s no joke. I can’t count how many times we hit the Christmas season, things got busy, and I find myself sitting on Christmas day thinking, “That’s it? It’s here and about to be over? I feel like I forgot to focus on Jesus.” I would feel so discouraged and guilty. Advent helped my Christmas season become much more focused on Christ.

A Concise Guide to the Greatest Letter Ever Written: Romans by Andrew David Naselli

The letter of Romans in our Bibles is so heavy. We could spend the rest of our lives in this book and never exhaust the riches found in it. Many books have been written regarding it. John Piper spent eight years and 225 sermons preaching through Romans. There are thick commentaries and thinner commentaries written on examining it. The book I’m reviewing today by Andrew David Naselli is the latter.

The Works of John Flavel

When it comes to Puritan literature, John Flavel may very well be my favorite. Flavel has a way of writing that just connects with me. His works are timeless, valuable, and devotional. If you’ve never read anything from him, I highly recommend checking out The Mystery of Providence. If you have read him and love him then I highly recommend grabbing the six volume set of his writings! I am glad to once again be partnering with Westminster Books to bring you a review of the six volume Works of John Flavel.