All tagged Bible

The Premier Colelction NASB Grace and Truth Study Bible

Can I be honest with you? I think Study Bibles are hard to review and are rarely worth the effort it takes to review them. Wow… I can’t believe I actually wrote that. That being said, The Grace and Truth Study Bible from Zondervan is absolutely incredible. It is the reason I keep reviewing Study Bibles. In fact, it has made it into my top two Study Bibles and I find it an incredibly valuable resource.

The Tyndale Select in Black Calfskin

The New Living Translation is one that has been growing on me. It’s highly readable and definitely can be useful among the popular translations. As I’ve come to enjoy it more, I really wanted to get my hands on a premium copy to check out and review. I’m excited to finally have the opportunity to bring you a review of the Tyndale Select. This, I believe, is the nicest copy of the NLT that Tyndale produces. It is also quite expensive! Does this Bible justify the price tag? Let’s talk about it!

The ESV Heirloom Study Bible Review

I am a huge fan of the ESV Study Bible. I've had a hardback copy for as long as I can remember and I also use the digital version quite regularly. This Study Bible is such an excellent resource that I wanted a copy of it that was worthy to pass down to my children one day. An excellent Bible is worthy of being made from materials that will last for generations. I am pleased to be partnering with Westminster Books to bring you this review of the ESV Heirloom Study Bible—a study Bible worthy of being passed down from generation to generation. It truly stands out above other Study Bibles I've come across in both content and construction materials.

The Zondervan NASB Single Column Reference Bible (Premier Collection) Review

I’m not even sure where to start as I begin to write the review for this Bible. All I can really say is, “Wow!” I knew Zondervan and Thomas Nelson’s Premier Collections were progressively getting better, but the two new NASB’s that Zondervan has just released have blown me away. I would argue they are now directly competing with premium companies like Cambridge, Schuyler, and Allan. Not only are they competing, but they are offering their Bibles at a considerably lower cost. Let me say it again, “Wow!”

The Westminster Books Exclusive Cloth Over Board ESV Creeds and Confessions Bible Review

The new ESV Creeds and Confessions Bible has been generating a lot of news. If you’ve just been looking at Crossway’s website or Amazon then there is an edition you may not have seen. I first saw the Westminster Books Exclusive ESV Creeds and Confessions Bible when I was scrolling on Facebook. I stopped and immediately commented on the post asking where that Bible came from. Once the person finally responded, I found out that you can only get this edition from The Westminster Books exclusive edition is striking and can be had for a great price exclusively from their website.

The Cambridge Goatskin ESV Topaz Bible Review

It takes a lot for a Bible to blow me away these days. I’ve been privileged to get to check out many of the nicest Bibles out there. I really thought I had just about seen and experienced it all. When I first heard about Cambridge’s new Bible, I figured it would be much of the same things I had seen and experienced. All of that changed when I finally received a copy to review. The Topaz blew me away. It set the bar higher for what a premium Bible should be. I was honestly pretty shocked. What makes the Topaz so great? Let’s talk about it.

The Crossway ESV Verse-by-Verse Reference Bible Review

I’ve been hearing a lot lately about verse-by-verse Bibles. If you’re not familiar with verse-by-verse Bibles, the unique thing about them is that each verse starts on a new line rather than being laid out in paragraph form. This is especially useful if you’re leading a Bible study or preaching because you can locate verses quickly and easily. You don’t have to be a preacher or leader to enjoy this layout, though. It makes for a unique reading experience where you can clearly identify each verse.