All in the cross

God, Good, and Evil

When was the last time you were completely in awe of God? When was the last time that you just felt floored by his hugeness, his magnitude, and his otherness? As humans, we often want to bring God down to our level. We want to be able to explain everything about him or we try and make him fit into our categories rather than realizing that he is a category in himself. This is one of the reasons I love to frequently visit the book of Job.

Salvation in Christ Alone

I just recently mowed my lawn. You’re probably thinking, “Big deal. You have to do that.” When I’m done mowing the lawn, I like to look out over the yard and see the even-cut, short grass and it makes me feel accomplished. It makes me feel good. My yard that was once a mess now looks good and well cared for. It is just a lawn, but I like knowing that I made it look good.