All tagged cambridge

The Cambridge Calfskin ESV Topaz Bible Review

The Cambridge Topaz has become my favorite ESV on the market. The size is perfect in hand, the page layout is wonderful, and the text is so bold it pops right off the page. Many people get sticker shock when they see the price, but I am here to tell you that if you preach, teach, or just love the verse-by-verse layout, this Bible is worth the price tag. I reviewed the Topaz in goatskin here, but in this review, I get to tell you about the calfskin Topaz, which in my opinion, is right up there with the goatskin, but is definitely easier on the wallet.

The Cambridge Goatskin ESV Topaz Bible Review

It takes a lot for a Bible to blow me away these days. I’ve been privileged to get to check out many of the nicest Bibles out there. I really thought I had just about seen and experienced it all. When I first heard about Cambridge’s new Bible, I figured it would be much of the same things I had seen and experienced. All of that changed when I finally received a copy to review. The Topaz blew me away. It set the bar higher for what a premium Bible should be. I was honestly pretty shocked. What makes the Topaz so great? Let’s talk about it.