All tagged evangelism

Death and Evangelism

The thing that haunts me is that I never sat down and had a real conversation with him. I didn’t truly know him. Most importantly, I don’t know if he had believed the gospel and I don’t know where he is currently. I do know he attended a church, but I also know it was a more liberal church in our area that most likely doesn’t preach the true gospel. I knew nothing about his faith except that he attended that church…

You Have Something to Offer!

A lot of us don’t share our faith if we’re honest. We sit on the sidelines thinking we need to learn just a little more. Maybe we think it’s the pastor’s job. Maybe we just think that others will do it. However, we see in Colossians 1:27 that God wants to make Christ known among not only the Jews, but also the Gentiles. Is God’s plan for only a select few to make this happen? That doesn’t seem likely.

This is War

There is a war going on inside me. I'm in the moment, standing face-to-face with someone, and I know I need to speak. It should be simple; it should be harmless. Instead, my head and heart are raging against one another. "Just say it Cam. It's so simple. What do you think about Jesus?" I'm pumping myself up in my head. On the other hand, the introvert inside me is yelling, "No! Keep quiet! Don't risk the awkwardness!" By the time the inner dialogue has happened, the moment has passed.

The Unsaved Christian by Dean Inserra: A Book Review

Living in the Bible belt, this books title immediately grabbed me. There is a lot of Cultural Christianity here. Ministry is really hard because most people would tell you they are saved. That is why chapter one of this book is immediately grabbing for me—Help Them Get Lost. Yes, many people in the area I live need help getting lost so they know that they need to be found. If you’re like me, The Unsaved Christian by Dean Inserra may be just the book you’ve been looking for…

The Unsaved Christian by Dean Inserra: A Book Review

Living in the Bible belt, this books title immediately grabbed me. There is a lot of Cultural Christianity here. Ministry is really hard because most people would tell you they are saved. That is why chapter one of this book is immediately grabbing for me—Help Them Get Lost. Yes, many people in the area I live need help getting lost so they know that they need to be found. If you’re like me, The Unsaved Christian by Dean Inserra may be just the book you’ve been looking for…

Called Out for Christmas

Christmas is a perfect time to talk about Jesus. People are singing songs about Him. Nativities are everywhere (no matter what you believe about the second commandment). The culture, even if they try not to, has to in some ways acknowledge Christ. Yet often times, Christians can be silent.

Are You Religious?

One thing people may or may not know about me is that I'm introverted. I am probably not on the "super extreme happy to be alone in a room for a month" side of introversion, but I am at least on the "I've been hanging out with people for three hours and if I don't get alone soon I'm gonna stroke out" side of introversion. Hanging out is work and I'm much happier to keep to myself than strike up a conversation with a stranger.