

Welcome to my blog. I mostly write about Christian Living, but I enjoy the Kentucky Wildcats, New Orleans Saints, and a good cup of coffee.

The Most Reasonable Thing You Could Do With Your Day

The Most Reasonable Thing You Could Do With Your Day


Time more often than not feels like an enemy. Days go by quickly and we can often feel like we've done nothing productive with them. Before we know it, a year has passed and we look back wondering what we've done that had any significance. It can feel as though we do our job day in and day out and we're making money to pay the bills, but we're not making a difference.

There are many things you can do in a day that are indeed significant. Reading your Bible and praying, loving your spouse well, and loving your kids well are all things that are important and matter each and every day. However, there is one thing that is more reasonable than any other that you can do each day that has immense significance.

The Most Reasonable Thing

When I get to meet with a group of teens every Wednesday night I tell them there's one thing I could do that is the best thing I'd do in my week: talk with them about how to have a relationship with Jesus. Each week I tell them that Jesus said to have a relationship with God, all you must do is repent and believe and then I flesh that out a little bit (because if we're honest, repent is not a word we're using in our everyday vocabulary).

I would contend that the most reasonable thing you and I could do every single day of our lives is to share the gospel with someone. If you're a Christian and you truly believe what the Bible says about eternity then it seems foolish to not be sharing that with people. Eternity is too long for us to keep quiet. 

If you're unsure how to share the gospel then the most reasonable thing for you to do with your day is to learn and even practice. I find many people who attend church each week cannot tell you what the gospel is, but if it is the gospel that saves then it is imperative that we know it and can share it! Many different tools are available to aid you in sharing Jesus, but four things must be present: God, man, Christ, and response.

Simply put people must first know who God is because it all starts with Him and He sets the standards. Then people must know who they are and that they sinners hopeless of gaining a right standing before God. The good news is that Jesus came and stood in our place by living the perfect life we couldn't live and dying the death we deserved to die. Now that they know these things a response is demanded. Will you make Jesus Lord of your life or will you reject Him?


In our polarized cultural climate, people are grasping for hope in a lot of things that won't give it to them. They are hungry for the message of true hope that is only found in Christ. If we want to do something significant with our days and our lives then the most reasonable thing would be to share with others how to have true joy, purpose, and eternal life.


When We Say Father by Adrian and Steve Rogers: A Book Review

When We Say Father by Adrian and Steve Rogers: A Book Review

The Church: God's Provision for My Suffering

The Church: God's Provision for My Suffering