All tagged gospel

This is War

There is a war going on inside me. I'm in the moment, standing face-to-face with someone, and I know I need to speak. It should be simple; it should be harmless. Instead, my head and heart are raging against one another. "Just say it Cam. It's so simple. What do you think about Jesus?" I'm pumping myself up in my head. On the other hand, the introvert inside me is yelling, "No! Keep quiet! Don't risk the awkwardness!" By the time the inner dialogue has happened, the moment has passed.

The Top Books I Read in 2019

I made my way through several books in 2019 and enjoyed much of what I read. At the beginning of the new year, I try and compile a list of what I thought were the best I read for the year. These aren’t books that were necessarily brand new, in fact, some were pretty old. This isn’t a “Top New Christian Books Released in 2019” kinda post. These were just books that edified me that I’m sharing with you. Here they are in no certain order…

The Gospel-Driven Church by Jared Wilson: a Book Review

To call something “gospel-driven” or “gospel-centered” is trendy these days. Tacking the word gospel onto something has become so common that it has almost lost its meaning. Ask any church member what the word gospel means and I can bet the answers you receive would be far and wide. That’s why we must ask if Jared Wilson’s new book, The Gospel-Driven Church provides clarity in murky water or is it just contributing to the confusion of gospel hype?

Should Christians Be Straight Shooters?

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about people who are straight shooters. Everyone knows that type of person, right? These are people who say whatever is on their mind and aren’t really too concerned about your reaction. These people can be very polarizing—you either love them or hate them. To a degree, I’ve always envied them and desired to be a little more like them.

New York is the New Murder Capital

At this point it has well been reported that New York has passed a bill that will allow the murder of babies as long as they’re in the womb. One month or nine months makes no difference to them. They are no longer trying to hide the fact that they are ok with the killing of babies so long as they aren’t outside of the womb.

Putting the "Just Us" in Justice

As I begin, let me say that I've got a simple mind. Things may seem more simple to me than to others. I've also been trying to keep up as best I can with this topic. I've read many articles by Thabite, I've listened to James White talk a lot on the Dividing Line, I've read articles by Tom Ascol, and I'm currently reading and reviewing Woke Church by Eric Mason. I've read other articles by other people, I've listened to the MLK50 conference, and I attended Together for the Gospel. I'm not an expert, but I'm trying.