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31-Day Devotionals for Life

31-Day Devotionals for Life

In this review I talk about one of my favorite resources from P&R Publishing. These devotionals will help you biblically counsel your heart. They are an amazing resource and I highly recommend checking them out.

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Hallelujah and welcome to Not Another Book or Bible Review. My name is Cam Hyde, and we’re bringing you your unconventional, unorthodox book and Bible reviews. What I want to share with you today is something I’m passionate about, something that has blessed me personally. When I had the chance to review these, I jumped on it because I want to tell you about a series from P&R Publishing called 31-Day Devotionals for Life.

A lot of them look like this. It’s the same design, just a different color. These devotionals are based on something you might be going through in your life. Today, I’m showing you one on depression, perfectionism, and rest.

These devotionals are written by different authors, but they all have a Biblical counseling theme, and that’s something I’m really passionate about. I believe Biblical counseling can truly change your life. There are topics like anxiety, materialism, contentment, divorce, marriage, and preparing for marriage—all found in these devotionals.

What makes these special to me is their accessibility. For example, the one on depression is written by Ed Welch, a Biblical counselor who’s authored many good books, including When People Are Big and God is Small, which addresses the fear of man. The authors of these devotionals are actual Biblical counselors, and they've crafted these 31-day devotionals with real-life struggles in mind.

One of the things I love most is that they’re short. You don’t want a devotional that feels like homework or takes up too much time. These devotionals are designed to fit into your day and benefit you without overwhelming you. They’re simple, practical, and they counsel your heart on these topics.

Another thing I appreciate is that they’re beneficial even if you’re not dealing with the specific issue. I went through one on wayward children with someone else, and even though my children are small and haven’t yet gone astray, I found my heart edified and enriched in the gospel.

These devotionals are very scripture-saturated. Each one begins with a scripture, and there are more verses throughout for you to look up. At the end of each devotion, there’s a reflection question and a call to action. You’ll have something to meditate on, possibly journal about, and a step to take in working through the issue in your life.

I highly recommend these. They’re an incredibly useful resource from P&R Publishing. They’re a little more expensive than I’d like, but I believe they’re worth the investment. I think they’re worth buying for yourself and giving to others, as they can counsel hearts and bring about real change.

Thanks for letting me share this with you today. 31-Day Devotionals for Life—look them up, they’re worth your time and will benefit you greatly. Until next time.

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