All tagged growth

Spiritual Conversations and Teachable Moments

I did a lot of growing in my faith in college. I think a lot of that growing can be attributed to the day-in and day-out walking alongside other friends who were hungry to know God more and having multiple moments in the week of learning from those who were ahead of me in the faith. That concentration of time produced a lot of conversation, growth, and advancement. I look back on college very fondly because of this.

Grow Smaller

I’ve seen it or head about it too many times. Someone new comes into an already overcrowded Sunday School class or small group only to feel overwhelmed and left out. Their chances of pushing through aren’t high. If they’re an introvert, they won’t feel like it’s worth the effort. If they’re an extrovert, they may fight a bit, but will eventually feel unneeded. Discipleship sacrificed because of either a push for numbers or a lack of trained, confident leaders.