

Welcome to my blog. I mostly write about Christian Living, but I enjoy the Kentucky Wildcats, New Orleans Saints, and a good cup of coffee.

I Bet You've Had a Bad Day During COVID-19

I Bet You've Had a Bad Day During COVID-19


If we’re honest, the quarantined life is a trying one. Who knew that staying in place could be so hard? We are all having to learn a new normal and at times it can be a bit overwhelming. Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe for you it has been a breeze. However, from the stories I’ve heard, I’d be willing to be you’ve had a pretty bad day or several since this all began.

I’m writing this because I had a really bad day yesterday. Writing, for me, is somewhat of an outlet and I think during this time, we all need to know we’re not alone. The interesting thing to me is that during this, each person is facing their own unique struggles. I’ve heard of single people feeling especially lonely during this time and longing for the companionship that is found with a spouse. I’ve heard of some who just feel so out of control and they are stressing themselves to death trying to control every single thing they can to keep their loved ones and themselves safe. For me personally, I think stress comes in a myriad of ways.

I assumed that as warm weather hit, life would get a little easier. Lately we’ve been able to be outside, get fresh air, and run around a little more in our back yard. I assumed this would help our girls burn some energy, which is much needed right now. Our house is relatively small so we can feel pretty close together at times. Not only that, our one and three year old girls both like to be wherever mommy or daddy are. In fact, it seems like they love to be as close to us humanly possible. Needless to say, they aren’t too concerned about social distancing.

Well all my assumptions about outside proved to be false. Yesterday, my girls seemed more hyper than ever. They seem to be in stages of constant disobedience as well. I woke up early and couldn’t fall back asleep so I was tired most of the day. I’m blessed to still be working in an office, but after coming home, the girls were very demanding. To be perfectly transparent, my wife and I got frustrated with one another as well. It was not the day I pictured or hoped for.

I write all this to say that I had a bad day. We felt the pressures of quarantine yesterday. Something tells me that you've probably had one or many as well. Just know that you’re not alone. Right now, the highs seem to be high and the lows seem pretty low. If you’re like me, you’re trying to process all of this as well and evaluate your own heart. I know God is trying to teach each of us things during this time of crisis. It’s unlike anything any of us have lived through.

If I could give any encouragement to you, it would be that I think we all need to be very gracious people right now—especially with those we can be in close proximity with. I felt like the worst dad ever yesterday and a pretty crappy husband as well. I need grace and so do you. Our families need grace. Our leaders (including our church leaders) need grace. We’re all trying to figure out life in a pandemic together.

I praise the Lord that our hope is in Christ. God is good on our exceptionally bad and exceptionally good days. He has given his only Son to make atonement for sin so he won’t hold anything good back from us. I praise him especially as I write this that his mercy is new every morning. I know I need it tomorrow.

I pray you’re resting in Christ. I pray you are experiencing more good days than bad days. I pray that like me, you’re learning to put your hope in a perfect, future kingdom rather than a world that is broken and can only provide cheap, temporary satisfactions. Have you had a bad day recently? Maybe it looked completely different from mine, but know that you’re not alone.

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