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A Follow Up Review of Hill Bible Rebinding

A Follow Up Review of Hill Bible Rebinding


Several months ago I reviewed a Bible rebind from Hill Bible Rebinding. I really liked their work, but also had some critiques. Hill Bible has since made some changes and they agreed to allow me to do a follow up review to check out the improvements. I sent Hill Bible a bonded leather CSB Verse-by-Verse and quite frankly the results are stunning. I’m excited to share it with you today.

One thing I’ve consistently been impressed with is Hill Bible’s turnaround time. Everyone who sends a Bible for a rebind highly anticipates holding that finished product in their hands. Hill Bible will have you holding your rebind quicker than you expected. This time around I decided to have some fun. I asked for Electric Blue goatskin, a yellow lambskin liner, gold perimeter stitching, a royal blue and two yellow bookmarks, raised spine hubs, and a full yapp. It turned out better than I imagined!


The goatskin Hill Bible used is an Electric Blue Roma. The Roma has beautiful grain, but it seems a bit less soft than some other goatskins. That being said, it’s still very flexible and is a stunner to look at! It has gold perimeter stitching, which provides a great contrasting accent to this Bible.


The spine has five raised ribs with tooling on each side. I love the way Hill Bible does their ribs. In my last review I thought one may be crooked, but that’s not the case here. The spine is stamped in gold with the words, “HOLY BIBLE”, “CSB”, and the Hill Bible logo. My last rebind was an ESV and that stamp was off center, but I’m glad to say this one is perfect.


Hill Bible uses quarter inch double sided satin ribbons. I asked for three with two being yellow and one being royal blue. They look great and I love how long they are!


Once again, I must compliment the corner work! These corners are fantastic and very pleasing to the eye.


I can’t express just how much I love the yellow lambskin liner in this Bible. It’s nice and smooth and really makes this bible pop! Paired with the yellow end sheets, this Bible shouts when you open it. I was hesitant to go with such a wild color at first, but I talked with Becky at Hill Bible about it and I’m really glad I went for it. To me, rebinds should be fun. Certainly the materials are higher quality than what you’re getting from most publishers, but you can also do anything you want with them. Publishers don’t typically put out such bold colors because they want to sell a lot. With a rebind, you can have a Bible that’s one of a kind and unique to you. I’m so glad Becky encouraged me to have fun with it.


My biggest concern last time was the slits in the liner. I’m glad to say that that has been resolved, which makes for a much more aesthetically pleasing rebind. Hill still attaches their block a bit unconventionally leaving about a half of an inch unattached on each side, but I don’t foresee this causing any problems. It’s just a bit unconventional. However, the blue head and tail bands seem to run along the spine and it creates a really unique look. I held the Bible solely by its cover and it seems nice and strong and I have no reservations about the strength and durability of this rebind. In fact, our church uses the CSB so I will really put this Bible through its paces and I’m greatly looking forward to using it a lot!


I recommended Hill Bible last time and with the improvements in the liner, I’ll recommend them even more this time! With their prices, turnaround, and customer service, you’ll definitely want to consider them if you’re exploring the world of Bible rebinds. If you choose to use them, be sure to tell them I sent you!

Be sure to check out their Facebook page for pictures of more rebinds and to contact them to begin your dream Bible. Tell them I sent you!

The ESV Reader's Bible, Six-Volume Set: with Chapter and Verse Numbers in Goatskin Over Board

The ESV Reader's Bible, Six-Volume Set: with Chapter and Verse Numbers in Goatskin Over Board

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