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Embracing Advent by Jen Ludwig

Embracing Advent by Jen Ludwig

Discovering the celebration of Advent changed my life. That’s no joke. I can’t count how many times we hit the Christmas season, things got busy, and I find myself sitting on Christmas day thinking, “That’s it? It’s here and about to be over? I feel like I forgot to focus on Jesus.” I would feel so discouraged and guilty. Advent helped my Christmas season become much more focused on Christ.

That’s why I love the heart of Jen Ludwig’s Embracing Advent. She seems like a kindred spirit. While I’m not a major planner and detail oriented person like she says she is, I do need help focusing on Christ at Christmas and it sounds like she does too. If you would identify with Jen and I then this book is for you.

I think this is the Advent book that I will find myself recommending especially to people who have never celebrated it before. Jen’s devotions are practical and purposeful while being brief and focused on Christ. This is what Advent does. It helps us fix our eyes on Jesus for four weeks rather than just one day. Gift buying, parties, family gatherings, and more are all trying to take our focus off the reason for Christmas. Advent allows us to stop each day and remember why Christmas is such a big deal.

Even if this isn’t your first Advent, I think you will love Jen’s book. She has a way of writing that makes you feel like you know her. There’s a sense of kinship that will warm you. She focuses on one theme each week: hope, peace, joy, and love. I love that her devotions are not just informational, but they’re practical. I think they will truly help you have a better Christmas season.

Pick up Embracing Advent at Amazon. (affiliate)

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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