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The Rock Wall Bibles Rebind

The Rock Wall Bibles Rebind

There is truly no nicer Bible than one that has been rebound. I don’t think you can truly appreciate a good rebind until you’ve had one. Bible rebinders are artists and craftsmen. More and more good rebinders have been coming onto the scene and I consider it a blessing every time I get to review one. If you want the short and sweet then know that I am immediately impressed by Rock Wall Bibles. To be so new, his work is fantastic right out of the gate and I highly recommend him. For more information then keep reading.

I sent Rock Wall my TruTone ESV Heritage. I actually like the paper feel of the TruTone way more than the Heirloom version from Crossway so I wanted a premium Heritage with the TruTone paper. I contacted Rock Wall and we began to work out the details. The word “detail” I think sums up Rock Wall’s work nicely. You can tell there’s a real attention to detail and that makes all the difference in a fantastic rebind.

First, I’d be wrong to leave out the presentation. Just look at the box this Bible came in! It’s fantastic. It screams premium and immediately sets him apart from so many other rebinders. When you buy from Rock Wall, you’re not just getting a rebind. You’re getting something worthy of presentation. The box and the packaging immediately blew me away. It’s elegant.

Removing the Bible from the box just added to my awe. This thing is beautiful. I had never seen Olmo Badalassi in person before, but it’s a beautiful leather. It’s a rich, deep brown that its accented by the marbling of the leather. I love this color and I’m glad I took a chance on it.

Going back to the word “detail”—the cover is full of details that need to be appreciated. First would be the double perimeter tool lines. I asked for a full yapp and not only did he tool the edge of the yapp, but he also tooled the perimeter of the block. This adds shape and structured look to the yapp. It’s a detail I didn’t ask for and didn’t even know I wanted, but gives an incredible look to this Bible.

The spine also is just a beautiful sight to behold. The raised ribs look great, but the detail is in the tooling around each rib. I also love Rock Wall’s shield logo. The gold stamping really makes it shine against the darker Olmo.

I wanted blue accents on this Bible to get away from my usual black and have something a little different. This Bible features blue page dye, a blue liner, and blue ribbons. I will talk about each of those a little more. However, what I love and didn’t ask for are the blue and white head and tail bands. He could have chosen just plain blue on those, but I love that he went with the alternating blue and white pattern. These are the little details you can only get from a good rebinder. Rock Wall knocked it out of the park!

The Navy Lamb liner, with the navy Berisford ribbons, and the blue end sheets are all great accents on this Bible. He admitted to me the page dye job wasn’t his best work, but I still think they look great.

The interior gold gilt line adds a fantastic touch and I’ve always loved a good gilt line. Rounding out his work are the corners. His corner work looks fantastic and I will go ahead and say that you never get better corner work on a Bible than from a rebind. It is truly an art and rebinds have better corners than any other premium Bible you will see.

Wrapping things up, I’m very impressed by Rock Wall. If you are looking for a good Bible Rebind then I will quickly commend his work and he’s moved up very high in my recommendation list. Head over to his Facebook page to reach out to him and tell him Cam sent you!

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The LSB Portable Paragraph Reference Red Letter in Green Calfskin

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