All tagged discipleship

You Have Something to Offer!

A lot of us don’t share our faith if we’re honest. We sit on the sidelines thinking we need to learn just a little more. Maybe we think it’s the pastor’s job. Maybe we just think that others will do it. However, we see in Colossians 1:27 that God wants to make Christ known among not only the Jews, but also the Gentiles. Is God’s plan for only a select few to make this happen? That doesn’t seem likely.

Robby Gallaty, Long Hollow, Baptisms, and Discipleship

What gives me pause is how Long Hollow is stewarding this massive move of the Spirit. They have totally bought into the online campus model. They consider their live stream a literal online campus. They have prayer groups meeting online, they are pushing online children’s and student (youth) ministries, and they even have an online campus pastor. For all intents and purposes they consider online just as much a campus as the main campus people are physically at when you’re watching online.

Love Your Kids Enough To...

Two weeks ago we talked about embracing the awkward when it comes to discipling your kids, especially if they’re older and you’ve never done it before. Last week we talked about having spiritual conversations and using teachable moments. Those things can at times feel awkward enough, but this week we want to really embrace it—and I think this a must. As a parent, you need to love your kids enough to…

Spiritual Conversations and Teachable Moments

I did a lot of growing in my faith in college. I think a lot of that growing can be attributed to the day-in and day-out walking alongside other friends who were hungry to know God more and having multiple moments in the week of learning from those who were ahead of me in the faith. That concentration of time produced a lot of conversation, growth, and advancement. I look back on college very fondly because of this.