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Disciple Her by Kandi Gallaty: a Book Review

Disciple Her by Kandi Gallaty: a Book Review


People talk a lot about discipleship, but more often than not, that's all they're doing. They talk about it, but don't really tell you how to do it. That's why I love Kandi Gallaty's new book Disciple Her. It is a practical manual for discipleship.

Geared toward women, all the principles can be applied just the same to men. Kandi's husband, Robby Gallaty, has probably written that book, but I haven't read it and this was my first introduction to the discipleship concepts that both Kandi and Robby advocate. Because it’s geared toward women, all of the examples used come from Kandi’s personal time in discipleship groups and so the examples all involve ladies. This is not a bad thing, but worth pointing out if you’re a man reading this review.

This book truly goes into the details of discipleship and starting a group of your own. It’s extremely practical. Kandi gives examples of hard situations from her groups, she gives you the meat of how to start a group, and she gives you sample schedules, covenants, etc. for structuring your group. This book should give you the confidence to be ready to start a group of your own. Kandi leaves no stone unturned.

After reading this book, I walked away excited about discipleship and ready to dive in myself. Kandi truly wrote in a way where I felt like this was very doable and exciting. I passed this book along to my wife to encourage her to start a group as well.

If you’ve heard the discipleship buzz word, but were never sure what it looks like in real life then this book is for you. Kandi and Robby have come up with an easy, reproducible model that will help you follow Jesus’s command to make disciples and equip others to go and do likewise.

You can pick up your copy of Disciple Her on Amazon.

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this book from BHBloggers in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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