All in life

Where is God during COVID-19?

One angle I’m sure many believers and unbelievers alike are turning over in their minds is the question, "Where is God in all of this?"Maybe you find yourself asking, "If God is all powerful, why doesn’t he stop this?" Maybe you’re asking, "Why would a loving God allow so many people to die?" Maybe you just wonder, "Is God even real?"

Fear or Faith?

I’m going to be more vulnerable today than I want to be. This is because I think this topic demands it. I want to talk about fear—namely, one of my biggest fears. One of my biggest fears, if I’m not careful, can move from fear to dread. It is something that is inevitable. What I fear will happen one day. It may be 20 years from now or it could be tomorrow, but it is coming.

To Treasure Christ

Life on earth is a gift. It can be such a good gift at times that we lose focus on our true treasure. We can get caught up in relationships, the things of the world, and our own agenda. These things, while good blessings, are not to be our true focus. Jesus is our treasure.

3 Reminders from the Rain

It’s been an extremely wet winter in Kentucky—not snow—rain. Just when you think the rain is over, it starts again. It recently has started flooding. We’re over-saturated. People have been making memes, jokes, and threats to move. God promised to never destroy humanity again by flooding the earth, but He didn’t make any promises about Kentucky.

10 Things I Thought After Seeing the Saints Get Robbed

Sunday evening I was running a student ministry event so I didn’t end up getting to watch the Saints game. I usually try to avoid the score and watch the game later, but I ended up finding out the result and hearing about the devastating loss. I really believed we were going to the Superbowl this year and my mind has been everywhere since. Here are some things I’ve thought since in trying to process this brutal loss.