All in theology

Worship Wisely

Growing up, I loved pop-punk music. The speed combined with the melody just made me want to dance. I’ve always been drawn to catchy, upbeat music so it makes sense that when it came to worship, I leaned toward the charismatic style of songs. I could “stir up deep, deep wells” with the best of them. The passion and energy felt like being at a rock concert…

God, Good, and Evil

When was the last time you were completely in awe of God? When was the last time that you just felt floored by his hugeness, his magnitude, and his otherness? As humans, we often want to bring God down to our level. We want to be able to explain everything about him or we try and make him fit into our categories rather than realizing that he is a category in himself. This is one of the reasons I love to frequently visit the book of Job.

Jesus, Zombieland, and The Walking Dead

Zombie movies and shows fascinate me. I’m honestly not sure the allure, but I enjoy them for some odd reason. I enjoy comedies so I saw Zombieland several times. I was hooked on The Walking Dead for quite a while. The one that really freaked me out was World War Z. When you take Zombies and make them fast then you have a truly scary combination…

Saved from Birth

We often talk about being sinners from birth. We inherit our sinful nature from our parents—it’s part of being human. Ultimately, we inherit it from Adam and Eve. We say that we aren’t sinners because we sin, but we sin because we are sinners. It’s our nature. It’s a fundamental part of who we are. This is why the gospel is such good news. We can’t be good enough to pacify a holy God. ..

Salvation in Christ Alone

I just recently mowed my lawn. You’re probably thinking, “Big deal. You have to do that.” When I’m done mowing the lawn, I like to look out over the yard and see the even-cut, short grass and it makes me feel accomplished. It makes me feel good. My yard that was once a mess now looks good and well cared for. It is just a lawn, but I like knowing that I made it look good.

A Warning To Those Who Love Theology

In Christianity, there can be different focuses when it comes to how we express our faith and ourselves. There are those who love to serve others and be involved with helping and missions. There are those who are passionate about evangelism and/or discipleship. There are also some who love learning, studying, and theology. Most likely many are a blend of these things. 

3 Reminders from the Rain

It’s been an extremely wet winter in Kentucky—not snow—rain. Just when you think the rain is over, it starts again. It recently has started flooding. We’re over-saturated. People have been making memes, jokes, and threats to move. God promised to never destroy humanity again by flooding the earth, but He didn’t make any promises about Kentucky.