

Welcome to my blog. I mostly write about Christian Living, but I enjoy the Kentucky Wildcats, New Orleans Saints, and a good cup of coffee.

What We Prayed on 12.2.18

What We Prayed on 12.2.18

I recently talked about the benefits of writing prayers to pray publicly and incorporating Scripture. I also said I’d begin posting the prayer on Monday. As promised, here is what we prayed on 12.2.18 and it’s taken from Ephesians 2:1-10.


We praise Your because You have shown us the immeasurable riches of Your grace in kindness toward us in Jesus Christ (vs. 7). We were dead in sin (vs. 1). We were by nature children of wrath (vs. 3). But God, You are rich in mercy and have saved us by Your grace (vs. 4-5). Lord, thank You for such a gift (vs. 8)! God, bless our time of giving and use our giving to further the good works You’ve prepared for us to walk in (vs. 10).

In Jesus’ Name,



PSA: You are Temporary and Unnecessary and that is Such Good News

PSA: You are Temporary and Unnecessary and that is Such Good News