

Welcome to my blog. I mostly write about Christian Living, but I enjoy the Kentucky Wildcats, New Orleans Saints, and a good cup of coffee.

What Does a Nerf War Have to Do With Jesus?

What Does a Nerf War Have to Do With Jesus?


Last night, our student ministry hosted it's first ever Nerf War. Games were played, fun was had, food was eaten, and lots of foam bullets whizzed and sailed. Many students had a good time and we got to engage a few new students that don't regularly come to our student ministry along the way. 

We put a lot of time and effort into this event with hopes it would reach and appeal to many unchurched students. One comment on our Facebook advertisement intrigued me. The person asked, "What does this have to do with Jesus?" I thought it was a good question and I'd like to take the time to answer. Who knows... maybe that person will read this. 

What does a Nerf War for middle and high school students on a Wednesday night have to do with Jesus? Simply put—everything. It has everything to do with Jesus. 

1 Corinthians 10:31 says, "So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." The Bible gives us no specific Wednesday night church gathering commands. That means if we assemble on Wednesday nights (our students regularly do) we are free to do what we want so long as we are doing what we do to the glory of God.

Last night we shot toy guns with foam bullets at one another to the glory of God. We ate to the glory of God. We listened to music that glorified God. And yes, we even had some conversations about Jesus. We had students show up at our church who wouldn't usually darken the doors of a worship service because we were having fun to the glory of God.

The absolutely amazing thing is that God created fun and enjoyment. It was His idea. When we enjoy things and are grateful to Him for the capability to do them and enjoy them then we give Him glory. Being a Christian doesn't mean that you never get to have fun anymore. It means that when you have fun your enjoyment and gratitude are now directed toward the proper provider of that fun. We are having fun the right way.

Jesus came to save sinners who would therefore become worshipers of God. But that worship isn't just found in a worship service. It's found in admiring beautiful sunsets, enjoying delicious food, playing with your children, enjoying your favorite hobby, and—you guessed it—it's found in shooting your friends with Nerf guns. 

I could stop here, but our event did have a purpose. We wanted to have something fun and safe that students could invite their friends to. We took their contact information and will follow up inviting them to a worship service, asking how we can pray for them, and talk to them more about Jesus. 

Our student ministry's true desire is to see more and more students fall in love with Jesus whether that's through a Nerf war, a trip to a baseball game, or a worship service. We all worship something or someone. The question is who or what? Our goal is to point students to the only One worth worshiping. 

A Warning To Those Who Love Theology

A Warning To Those Who Love Theology

The CSB Large Print Ultrathin Reference Bible Review

The CSB Large Print Ultrathin Reference Bible Review