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The LSB Psalms Scripture Study Notebook Set

The LSB Psalms Scripture Study Notebook Set

I’m a huge fan of Scripture Notebooks. I have found their possibilities to be endless and I enjoy using them for just about everything. As a lover of premium Bibles, I rarely find myself wanting to mark in a Bible. That’s where Scripture Notebooks are so brilliant. They are portable and the price is right. You can buy one, mark it up, and buy another. They are also really well made!

I was thrilled to see that the Legacy Standard Bible was jumping on the Scripture Study Notebook train. Even more, they started with one of my favorite books. Even more, they did it in a two volume box set! I am excited to share with you about the Psalms LSB Scripture Study Notebook Box Set.

Psalms is a big book of the Bible. Steadfast could have made this notebook really big and thick. Instead, they chose to break it up. I like the choice and I love that they offer it in a box set. You can keep it together or take a thinner half of the Psalms with you.

These are really nice! They have a black cardboardish type cover stamped with gold on the front. They have the LSB logo along with book title and volume. They also have the Steadfast logo. This is a really attractive presentation. The spine has the book title as well as “STEADFAST BIBLES” in gold.

The binding is sewn for durability. This isn’t some notebook that’s going to fall apart on you. It is made well and will hold up to your use and taking it places.

The layout of these inside is what really impresses. If I could sum it up in one word it would be “room”. There’s so much room to write in these things. There is white space all around the verses. There is a blank sheet next to each page of text. The paper is thick and there is no ghosting. I love that about these notebooks. You can’t have this thick of paper in a Bible. There are extra sheets in the front and back. There is so much room!

Not only that, the layout of the text is awesome. These have a 10 point font and it’s a single column verse-by-verse setting. This is the best layout for study and journaling. The Psalm number is in the top left corner. The given title of the Psalm is in the top right corner. This layout is just impeccable. 

I’ll just go ahead and encourage you to buy this. These Scripture Study Notebooks will be so useful to you and you’ll love everything about them. I really have nothing negative to say. 

The Psalms Scripture Study Notebooks with slipcover are available exclusively from Steadfast.

Disclaimer: I received a copy of these notebooks in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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