Heaven on Earth

A book that has made a big impact on me this year is Gentle and Lowly by Dane Ortlund. It’s all about the heart of Christ and how he loves sinners. Leave it to J.I. Packer to be ahead of the curve on this subject. Chapter 12 was all about the love of God and as I read Packer, I heard much of what I had read from Ortlund…

How Can I Be Wise?

I've always wished that God would be super clear in where he is leading and directing me. After college, I was faced with the next step to take in my life. I had to do a short-term, two year mission trip and had also applied to go to seminary. I got approved for both in the same day. The next couple of weeks were excruciatingly painful. I had no idea which of the two I should choose! Couldn't God be more clear about it? Couldn't he just give me the wisdom to make the right choice?

The ESV Heirloom Study Bible Review

I am a huge fan of the ESV Study Bible. I've had a hardback copy for as long as I can remember and I also use the digital version quite regularly. This Study Bible is such an excellent resource that I wanted a copy of it that was worthy to pass down to my children one day. An excellent Bible is worthy of being made from materials that will last for generations. I am pleased to be partnering with Westminster Books to bring you this review of the ESV Heirloom Study Bible—a study Bible worthy of being passed down from generation to generation. It truly stands out above other Study Bibles I've come across in both content and construction materials.

The Comfort of God's Wisdom

I’m still tired. I was in the hospital taking care of two different children for a total of six days in the span of a week. At least… I think that’s right. It all kind of became a blur. During that time, my wife and I lost a lot of sleep. When we did sleep, it was in a lot of uncomfortable places. But God, in his infinite wisdom, sovereignly ordained that that’s where we would be. Why did he do it? I don’t totally know.

Let God Blow Your Mind

Have you ever realized that something was much better than you thought it was? Maybe it was something like a food. I remember when I had my first fresh mango from a tree in Puerto Rico. My mind was blown. It was like I had never truly tasted a mango before and all other grocery store mangos would now pale in comparison.

A World with No Christians

Telling others about Jesus used to feel like a lot of pressure to me. What if I wasn't convincing enough? What if I didn't make a compelling enough argument? What if I didn't have all the answers? Imagine my relief when I learned that God does the saving and he can use my nervous, stuttering presentation if he wants! This was such a freeing revelation.

Finding the Right Hills to Die On by Gavin Ortlund: A Book Review

In a time where people seem to be disagreeing on everything and taking it personally, it’s important for the church to be unified. We certainly have our disagreements, but how should we handle them? What disagreements are worth separating over? Where should we agree to disagree and continue on together? Gavin Ortlund helps us consider these questions in his new book titled Finding the Right Hills to Die On.

The Shock of the God-Man

I was blessed to grow up in a Christian home. I heard about God and Jesus from the time I was born. I was made to go to church every time the doors were open. As I learned English, I also learned what we might call Christian language. Stories of God and Christian terms were never foreign to me . I had a lot of familiarity when it came to the things of God. I say all that to say that the concept of God becoming a man probably didn’t shock me like it would someone who was saved at an older age. I was blessed to grow up knowing about God.