

Welcome to my blog. I mostly write about Christian Living, but I enjoy the Kentucky Wildcats, New Orleans Saints, and a good cup of coffee.

The Unchanging, Trustworthy God

The Unchanging, Trustworthy God


In my 33 years here on this earth, I’ve changed my mind countless times. My opinion has changed about even the simplest things like what foods are good. Even more so, I’ve changed my mind on bigger issues. It is fair to say that if the Lord blesses me with more time on this planet, I will change my mind about some things again.

Some of the best news for Christians is that our God is unchanging. He is trustworthy because he stays the same. He means what he says and he says what he means. We can live by his Word because he has revealed himself in it and it will never change. Packer says, "The words of human beings are unstable things. But not so the words of God."

We can trust God has saved us to the uttermost because his ways and purposes do not change. He will never change his mind and decide he doesn’t want to go with the Jesus plan anymore. Salvation will never be by works; it will always be by grace through faith. 

God being unchanging is essential for us to follow him. We know he will always be good, gracious, merciful, righteous, just, etc. We can trust the world we live in that he is created because he is constant. We can be sure of who he is, who we are, and why we are here. 

But just like Packer says, we should know him. He is personal and he has given us so much of himself in his Word. What is our excuse for not knowing the God who is never changing? Why wouldn’t we want to know the God who did not spare his own Son?

Let God Blow Your Mind

Let God Blow Your Mind

A World with No Christians

A World with No Christians