

Welcome to my blog. I mostly write about Christian Living, but I enjoy the Kentucky Wildcats, New Orleans Saints, and a good cup of coffee.

Lord, Cling Tight to Me

Lord, Cling Tight to Me


It happened again, I found out another tragic revelation about one of my favorite bands/musicians/songwriters… Unfortunately, this has been a trend all too often happening among Christian artists. I was really into the Christian music scene when I was younger. Simply put, many of the artists I looked up to aren't Christian anymore. 

Sadly, it's not much of a surprise when I hear it now. "So and so is an atheist now." "So and so doesn't really believe the Bible anymore." It's at times been more of a surprise to find out certain people are still believers rather than that they left the faith. 

I even wrote an e-mail to one particular band member I really looked up to. I was crushed that he didn't believe in God anymore. His lyrics were so challenging and against popular Christian culture. I couldn't believe it was all for naught. I'll never forget his response to me in that e-mail. He said, "I'm sorry Cam, I'm just not trying to change the world anymore." I was absolutely let down.

It's not just in the music industry though. I have many friends who claimed Christ in high school who no longer have anything to do with church or Christianity. In the wake of the #MeToo Movement, we have seen the moral collapse of many prominent and non-prominent pastors alike. How should we respond to all of this?

My simple response is to beg Christ to hold me close. I know myself as a sinner better than I know anyone else. I am completely capable of moral failure. I am not absolved from intellectual elitism that would make me walk away from the faith. My only hope is that Jesus will hold me fast. 

Famous musicians, pastors, and those we look up to as heroes are just like us. They're just men and women. They are completely capable of failing. They are sinners in need of a Savior. I too am a sinner saved by grace. Our only hope is Christ.

Therefore, let us pray fervently for Christ to keep us. Let us put all of our faith and hope in Christ and not in ourselves. Let us make sure we exalt Jesus as the hero and not get so focused on the celebrity Christian culture of pastors and musicians. Let us remember that the one whose blood purchased us in the only one who has never failed and never will.

I particularly am reminded of these lyrics from the song, "He Will Hold Me Fast":

When I fear my faith will fail
Christ will hold me fast
When the tempter would prevail
He will hold me fast
I could never keep my hold
Through life’s fearful path
For my love is often cold
He must hold me fast

Sermon on 1 Peter 4

Sermon on 1 Peter 4

Slow Down

Slow Down