All tagged Jesus

God, Good, and Evil

When was the last time you were completely in awe of God? When was the last time that you just felt floored by his hugeness, his magnitude, and his otherness? As humans, we often want to bring God down to our level. We want to be able to explain everything about him or we try and make him fit into our categories rather than realizing that he is a category in himself. This is one of the reasons I love to frequently visit the book of Job.

Jesus, Zombieland, and The Walking Dead

Zombie movies and shows fascinate me. I’m honestly not sure the allure, but I enjoy them for some odd reason. I enjoy comedies so I saw Zombieland several times. I was hooked on The Walking Dead for quite a while. The one that really freaked me out was World War Z. When you take Zombies and make them fast then you have a truly scary combination…

Jesus and the Lions' Den by Alison Mitchell and Catalina Echeverri: a Book Review

Many people haven’t been taught that the stories of the Old Testament are shadows pointing to Jesus. Many, from a young age, have been taught that when they read about David and Goliath, that they are the hero of the story. That thinking comes with us as we grow older and before we know it, we have adults that are making the Bible all about them…

Simultaneously Justified and Sinner

I sinned today. I sinned yesterday. I will sin tomorrow. As I grow older, I become more and more aware of just how much I need God’s grace and need the Holy Spirit to keep me. I become more aware of the depravity I was rescued from and just how deeply it penetrates my very nature. I will never graduate from being a sinner in this life.

To Treasure Christ

Life on earth is a gift. It can be such a good gift at times that we lose focus on our true treasure. We can get caught up in relationships, the things of the world, and our own agenda. These things, while good blessings, are not to be our true focus. Jesus is our treasure.

Called Out for Christmas

Christmas is a perfect time to talk about Jesus. People are singing songs about Him. Nativities are everywhere (no matter what you believe about the second commandment). The culture, even if they try not to, has to in some ways acknowledge Christ. Yet often times, Christians can be silent.