

Welcome to my blog. I mostly write about Christian Living, but I enjoy the Kentucky Wildcats, New Orleans Saints, and a good cup of coffee.

Jesus is the Hero

Jesus is the Hero


Most people love a good hero movie. We like to see justice served, evil conquered, and victory go to the good guys. Heroes fight for us (humanity) and we feel like they represent us. When they triumph, we triumph. When they emerge victorious, so do we. I imagine this is why hero movies can keep coming out and people keep going to see them in droves. Heroes resonate with our hearts.

One thing I think we can fail to do as Christians is talk about the true hero in our story. Many times when I hear a testimony or someone just talking about their story in general, I notice that the hero seems to be a sub-point. He seems to be a stepping stone on the road to recovery. The story's focus is really about the person telling it and not the hero.

If I invited you to watch a movie with me and it was about someone Batman saved would you want to come? It wouldn’t be terribly exciting. You'd watch the person wake up, go to work, work for awhile, go on lunch break, and head home. On the way home they'd be caught in some sort of trouble and Batman would show up and save them. After he saved them, they'd head home and tell the story about how he saved them. His saving them would last about all of ten minutes in the movie. Of course you wouldn't want to watch that movie.

In our stories, the hero is Jesus. He deserves the glory, honor, and praise. The Bible tells us that before He stepped into our stories we were His enemies. We didn't want anything to do with Him. The fact that the hero would die for the villain in order to save them is an incredible story! Jesus should be the focal point, the underline, and the exclamation point! Because in reality, if you're a Christian, your story should be all about Jesus.

After Jesus saves you, He gives you His Spirit so you can follow God and look more like the One who saved you. You didn't pull up your boot straps and try harder to get your life together. You didn't become a better person by sheer will and strength of your own. You've been supernaturally enabled to follow God and do what He commands.

You're not the hero of your story; Jesus is. Let me encourage you that when you share it, you make Him sound awesome. Don't make your sinful lifestyle sound great. Don't make your current life sound like you got there on your own. No one wants to watch a movie about the guy being saved by the hero. They want to see the hero in all his glory. In the case of Jesus, people NEED to see the hero.


The Pleasures of God by John Piper

The Pleasures of God by John Piper

Dependent and Dependable

Dependent and Dependable