All in puritans

5 Puritan Women

It’s no secret I’m a big fan of the Puritans. We all know about many of the Puritan men and their writings, but what about the women? When I saw this book title come across my screen I knew I had to check it out. If I’m honest, I hadn’t even considered Puritan women before so I’m really glad that Jenny-Lyn de Klerk put this book together!

The Works of John Flavel

When it comes to Puritan literature, John Flavel may very well be my favorite. Flavel has a way of writing that just connects with me. His works are timeless, valuable, and devotional. If you’ve never read anything from him, I highly recommend checking out The Mystery of Providence. If you have read him and love him then I highly recommend grabbing the six volume set of his writings! I am glad to once again be partnering with Westminster Books to bring you a review of the six volume Works of John Flavel.

The Valley of Vision Comparison

I've been a long time lover of the Valley of Vision. The Lord has used this collection of Puritan Prayers to encourage me, disciple me, and aid in my own prayer life. For a long time, the Valley of Vision only came in paperback or bonded leather, but recently Banner of Truth released this collection of prayers in both genuine leather and goatskin leather. Today I'm bringing you a comparison of these new editions and one old one.

The Puritan Classics Box Set

I’m once again partnering with my good friends at Westminster Books to bring you a really exciting review today. The Puritans have written works that contain a treasure trove of information. Vast riches can be found within their pages. Countless people have benefited greatly from their works. For the longest time, these have come in the form of Puritan Paperbacks, but now many of the classic works of the Puritans have been bound in beautiful hardcover books and placed in a box set. I’ll go ahead and say straight up that if you value Puritan literature, you’re going to want this box set.