The ESV Illuminated Bible Review

Visuals are important. How something appears can leave a lasting impression. In a day where many books are actually judged by their covers, Crossway has taken notice and created the ESV Illuminated Bible, Art Journaling Addition. It truly has a beautiful cover, but there’s much more to it than that.

Should Christians Be Straight Shooters?

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about people who are straight shooters. Everyone knows that type of person, right? These are people who say whatever is on their mind and aren’t really too concerned about your reaction. These people can be very polarizing—you either love them or hate them. To a degree, I’ve always envied them and desired to be a little more like them.

New York is the New Murder Capital

At this point it has well been reported that New York has passed a bill that will allow the murder of babies as long as they’re in the womb. One month or nine months makes no difference to them. They are no longer trying to hide the fact that they are ok with the killing of babies so long as they aren’t outside of the womb.

10 Things I Thought After Seeing the Saints Get Robbed

Sunday evening I was running a student ministry event so I didn’t end up getting to watch the Saints game. I usually try to avoid the score and watch the game later, but I ended up finding out the result and hearing about the devastating loss. I really believed we were going to the Superbowl this year and my mind has been everywhere since. Here are some things I’ve thought since in trying to process this brutal loss.