My Progression of Prayer through the Pandemic

We’ve all found ourselves on an interesting journey over the past months. Covid-19 turned the world upside down and has now become a pretty polarizing topic. It is especially polarizing as restrictions begin to get lifted and people begin to gather in public places again. Some take it very seriously while others don’t think it to be a big deal at all. What I’ve realized is that my prayers are very revealing of how my attitude regarding the pandemic is changing.

This is War

There is a war going on inside me. I'm in the moment, standing face-to-face with someone, and I know I need to speak. It should be simple; it should be harmless. Instead, my head and heart are raging against one another. "Just say it Cam. It's so simple. What do you think about Jesus?" I'm pumping myself up in my head. On the other hand, the introvert inside me is yelling, "No! Keep quiet! Don't risk the awkwardness!" By the time the inner dialogue has happened, the moment has passed.

One Assembly by Jonathan Leeman: A Book Review

Jonathan Leeman has written a book that many will find very unpopular. I'm pretty sure he has to be aware of this fact, but I'm also sure his hope is to convince the reader that he is right. In his new book One Assembly, Leeman argues that the biblical model for church is one gathered assembly—no multiple services, no multiple sites—just once service. Is Leeman's argument convincing?

The 9Marks Church Questions Series Review

I think 9Marks is one of the best organizations for church help. They are regularly putting out articles, podcasts, magazines, and books to help churches, church leaders, and church members answer the question, "How should I think about this?" One of their newest resources is the Church Questions series, which they partnered with Crossway to bring about.

Leveling the Church by Micah Fries and Jeremy Maxfield - A Book Review

Could it be possible that you've been doing ministry all wrong? Could it be possible that you've actually been robbing people of something they need and something that would bring them profound joy? These are big questions to ask of those who have been doing ministry for quite some time. In the book Leveling the Church, Micah Fries and Jeremy Maxfield assert just that.

The Crossway ESV Heirloom Single Column Legacy Bible - New Edition Printed in China

It's a widely known fact that Crossway has moved the production of all of their premium Bibles to China. There has been a lot of criticism over this among the premium Bible community. The company recently re-released one of my favorite editions of the ESV that used to be printed in the Netherlands—The ESV Heirloom Single Column Legacy Bible or the Heirloom Legacy for short. I was excited to get my hands on the new edition to see how it stacks up against its predecessor.

I Bet You've Had a Bad Day During COVID-19

If we’re honest, the quarantined life is a trying one. Who knew that staying in place could be so hard? We are all having to learn a new normal and at times it can be a bit overwhelming. Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe for you it has been a breeze. However, from the stories I’ve heard, I’d be willing to be you’ve had a pretty bad day or several since this all began.