The Top Books I Read in 2019

I made my way through several books in 2019 and enjoyed much of what I read. At the beginning of the new year, I try and compile a list of what I thought were the best I read for the year. These aren’t books that were necessarily brand new, in fact, some were pretty old. This isn’t a “Top New Christian Books Released in 2019” kinda post. These were just books that edified me that I’m sharing with you. Here they are in no certain order…

The Cambridge Goatskin ESV Topaz Bible Review

It takes a lot for a Bible to blow me away these days. I’ve been privileged to get to check out many of the nicest Bibles out there. I really thought I had just about seen and experienced it all. When I first heard about Cambridge’s new Bible, I figured it would be much of the same things I had seen and experienced. All of that changed when I finally received a copy to review. The Topaz blew me away. It set the bar higher for what a premium Bible should be. I was honestly pretty shocked. What makes the Topaz so great? Let’s talk about it.

The Beckett Simonon Gallagher Boot Review

Beckett Simonon (pronounced sim-oh-non) is a name and company that is new to me . They base their philosophy on the belief that high quality products shouldn’t cost so much. Beckett Simonon is focused on providing high quality products with responsible manufacturing at unrivaled prices with an excellent customer experience. How do they achieve this?

End of the Year Blog Update

Hi everyone. It has been a little bit since I’ve posted an update on the blog. The end of 2019 was a busy one. Between sickness running rampant through my family and lots of great ministry in our church, the blog had to take a temporary backseat. That being said, it is not abandoned…

The Crossway ESV Verse-by-Verse Reference Bible Review

I’ve been hearing a lot lately about verse-by-verse Bibles. If you’re not familiar with verse-by-verse Bibles, the unique thing about them is that each verse starts on a new line rather than being laid out in paragraph form. This is especially useful if you’re leading a Bible study or preaching because you can locate verses quickly and easily. You don’t have to be a preacher or leader to enjoy this layout, though. It makes for a unique reading experience where you can clearly identify each verse.

The Cross is the Victory - Some Thoughts on "See a Victory" by Elevation Worship

There’s a popular song that seems to be everywhere right now called See a Victory by Elevation Worship. When I first heard this song, it struck me funny. While turning it over in my mind it finally dawned on me—this song is the prosperity gospel sung. Prosperity doesn’t have to come in the form of only wealth. Sometimes we see it in health. Sometimes we see it in the thought that everything will go right…

Repeat the Sounding Joy: A New Advent Devotion from Christopher Ash

Growing up, I never really knew what Advent was apart from all the fun calendars you could open, but as I got older and learned the meaning of Advent and started participating in it with my own family, it has become really meaningful to me. Advent means “coming” and we take all 24 days leading to Christmas day to intentionally focus on the coming Christ as a baby. I’ve found this intentional focus helps me keep the true meaning of Christmas at the forefront of the season and it increases my joy in Christ…

The CSB Reader's Five-Volume Collection Review

I recently discussed the merits of a Reader’s Bible. It truly is an enjoyable experience to get rid of the chapters, verse numbers, and footnotes and immerse yourself in the text for an enjoyable, undistracted reading experience. However, what I didn’t touch on is the way you can squeeze even more enjoyment out of the experience. That’s why I’m excited to share with you today about Holman’s new Christian Standard Bible Five-Volume Reader’s Bible.

Worship Wisely

Growing up, I loved pop-punk music. The speed combined with the melody just made me want to dance. I’ve always been drawn to catchy, upbeat music so it makes sense that when it came to worship, I leaned toward the charismatic style of songs. I could “stir up deep, deep wells” with the best of them. The passion and energy felt like being at a rock concert…

The MacArthur Study Bible NKJV Second Edition Review

I’m pretty sure the first Study Bible I ever received was a MacArthur. It was a NASB that I still have and have even still referenced recently. Dr. MacArthur and his wisdom are a gift to the church. He’s been a faithful pastor and defender of the faith. He’s written an entire commentary series and this new edition of his Study Bible is his teaching distilled into more compact and affordable form…