Adorning the Dark by Andrew Peterson: A Book Review

You are creative. You may find yourself immediately objecting to that statement. I know someone who used to tell me, “I’m just not creative like you are.” In the past, I might have agreed with them. However, I’ve gained a new perspective after reading Andrew Peterson’s Adorning the Dark: Thoughts on Community, Calling, and the Mystery of Making.

Does Your Child Know Christ?

Parenting is one of the most difficult tasks the Lord gives us. As the dad of a three and one year old, no one could prepare me for just how hard it truly is. I’m also confident that no one can truly prepare me for just how hard it will be as they get older. As parents we try our best, we learn on the fly, and we just pray that the Lord will make up for our sinfulness and shortcomings as we seek to love and raise the children he has entrusted to us…

The Cambridge Calfskin ESV Topaz Bible Review

The Cambridge Topaz has become my favorite ESV on the market. The size is perfect in hand, the page layout is wonderful, and the text is so bold it pops right off the page. Many people get sticker shock when they see the price, but I am here to tell you that if you preach, teach, or just love the verse-by-verse layout, this Bible is worth the price tag. I reviewed the Topaz in goatskin here, but in this review, I get to tell you about the calfskin Topaz, which in my opinion, is right up there with the goatskin, but is definitely easier on the wallet.

To Seek and To Save by Sinclair Ferguson: a Book Review

I’ve never celebrated Lent. It always kind of seemed like a Catholic thing. But as I sit here thinking about Lent, my mind is taken back to Advent. A few years ago, I had never celebrated Advent, but now it is a season that serves to make Christmas much more meaningful for me. One of my favorite Advent devotions is called Love Came Down at Christmas by Sinclair Ferguson. Dr. Ferguson has a way of writing and speaking that makes Christ grand. He has now written a devotional for the season of Lent called To Seek and To Save: Daily Reflections on the Road to the Cross.

Why You Should Watch Taylor Swift's Miss Americana (Even if You're Not a Fan)

Well, I did something that I never imagined myself doing—I watched a Taylor Swift documentary. My history with Miss Swift is pretty interesting. I actually saw her perform live in 2010 at the NFL Kickoff Party in New Orleans. The Saints won the Super Bowl the year before so New Orleans hosted the party. Tickets were free so I gladly went. The real attraction was that the Dave Matthews Band was playing afterward. 

The Westminster Books Exclusive Cloth Over Board ESV Creeds and Confessions Bible Review

The new ESV Creeds and Confessions Bible has been generating a lot of news. If you’ve just been looking at Crossway’s website or Amazon then there is an edition you may not have seen. I first saw the Westminster Books Exclusive ESV Creeds and Confessions Bible when I was scrolling on Facebook. I stopped and immediately commented on the post asking where that Bible came from. Once the person finally responded, I found out that you can only get this edition from The Westminster Books exclusive edition is striking and can be had for a great price exclusively from their website.

The ESV Creeds and Confessions Bible Review in Black Goatskin

Crossway’s new Creeds and Confessions Bible in goatskin has been controversial among the premium Bible community. Crossway has recently made the shift to printing it’s premium Bibles in China and there has been several providing negative feedback. In my review today, I hope to provide a fair and balanced opinion with this conclusion—this Bible is much better than the feedback and criticism it is receiving from many online, but it is also not as good as Crossway’s previous premiums printed in the Netherlands. With that said, let’s talk about the Bible.

The Gospel According to Satan by Jared C. Wilson: a book review

I’m unsure where to start in writing this review. Do I start with the title, the author, or maybe a humorous story about how this book was the number one seller in Demonology and Satanism on Amazon? To be honest, when I first saw the title and subtitle of this book, I thought it was one I really didn’t need to read and should pass by. However, The Gospel According to Satan: Eight Lies About God That Sound Like the Truth by Jared C. Wilson is a book you need to read whether these eight lies sound familiar or not.

Piercing Heaven: Prayers of the Puritans - A Book Review

I’ve only recently started reading some works by the Puritans. However, I’ve been a fan of their prayers for quite some time. When you think about Puritan prayers, your mind most likely heads toward the classic The Valley of Vision. It has been the staple collection of Puritan prayers for some time now. I have enjoyed reading and praying through the prayers in The Valley of Vision. The depths of the prayers of the Puritans really makes an impact.

The Thomas Nelson Premier Collection NKJV Verse-by-Verse Center-Column Reference Bible Review

Thomas Nelson has really been stepping up their game in the premium Bible department. I’ve recently come to love and appreciate the New King James Version as a translation and I’ve also discovered a love for Bibles in the verse-by-verse page layout. That’s why I jumped at the opportunity to review Thomas Nelson’s Premier Collection NKJV Verse-by-Verse Center-Column Reference Bible.