Saved from Birth

We often talk about being sinners from birth. We inherit our sinful nature from our parents—it’s part of being human. Ultimately, we inherit it from Adam and Eve. We say that we aren’t sinners because we sin, but we sin because we are sinners. It’s our nature. It’s a fundamental part of who we are. This is why the gospel is such good news. We can’t be good enough to pacify a holy God. ..

Don't Perish on Your Platform

When I lived in New Orleans, I was filled with excitement for all the new things I was experiencing. It was my first time living in a city. It was my first time to move somewhere and literally know no one. It was also my first time to ever get to truly choose my own church…

10 Things I Thought Watching the Saints Get Robbed by the Refs for the Third Game in a Row

The Saints fought a disheartening battle against the Rams yesterday. It’s now coming out that Brees is going to have surgery on his thumb and will miss six more weeks. If the loss of our quarterback wasn’t enough, we also had to endure another terrible call against us by the referees when they blew a play dead that should’ve been allowed to play on costing the Saints at least six and most likely seven points. All that being said, here are ten things I thought during the game yesterday…

Jesus and the Lions' Den by Alison Mitchell and Catalina Echeverri: a Book Review

Many people haven’t been taught that the stories of the Old Testament are shadows pointing to Jesus. Many, from a young age, have been taught that when they read about David and Goliath, that they are the hero of the story. That thinking comes with us as we grow older and before we know it, we have adults that are making the Bible all about them…

The Heart of Generosity

My favorite Christmas movies are Home Alone 1 and 2. I love the mood, hi-jinks, and the fact that it’s a sweet family movie. There is one thing that plagues me however. What in the world did Kevin’s dad do for a living!? I mean, they live in a huge house and can apparently afford to pay for all of their extended family—which is huge—to go on vacation with them each year. The man is either incredibly wealthy or wildly irresponsible with his finances.

The Whole Cake

After reaching adulthood, we lose those parental constraints. We begin to have free reign of our lives, meaning we can do what we want when want where we want. If we want to blow all of our money, we can. If we want to eat until we feel sick, we can. Our only real limitations are those imposed by our job, credit score, and health. Otherwise, we are our own master.

Growing Up (with) R.C. by R.C. Sproul Jr.: A Book Review

R.C. Sproul Jr. is a very controversial figure. I actually wasn’t even aware of this when I asked to review his book. I just knew that I loved his dad and had benefited greatly from his ministry and Jr.’s book intrigued me because I learn about what it was like to be Sproul Senior’s son. You can find plenty of details regarding the controversies if you wish, but that is not the aim of this review. My aim is to review the book that R.C. Jr. has written and take it for it is.

Something Needs to Change by David Platt: A Book Review

If you’ve read any of David Platt’s books then typically you know what awaits you. Most likely, you are going to become uncomfortable. You are going to be challenged to your core. You are going to be called to examine whether you really believe what you say you believe when it comes to following Jesus. His newest book, Something Needs to Change is not exception.

Fear or Faith?

I’m going to be more vulnerable today than I want to be. This is because I think this topic demands it. I want to talk about fear—namely, one of my biggest fears. One of my biggest fears, if I’m not careful, can move from fear to dread. It is something that is inevitable. What I fear will happen one day. It may be 20 years from now or it could be tomorrow, but it is coming.